Monday, April 24, 2006
Frank the Cat. Current mood: sad Category: Life
What a weekend, the weather was beautiful. I finished digging out, and edging my new flower beds, now I just have to lay the topsoil and do the rock walls.
It was a very sad weekend for us, at the Goldschmidt /Schadler Geln Parker compound.
A few months ago, our dear neighbors, the Goldschmidts, their cat, Frank was hit by a car. It was really bad and he had to have very extensive, life saving surgery. It was really touch and go for awhile and we were not sure if he was going to make it. He did make it through, though his right leg was messed up with torn ligaments and muscles, and, would most likely, never be the same again.
Here is the deal about Frank. Frank is the meanest cat I have ever met. When Buffy found him, he was three weeks old. She had to bottle feed him and wipe his butt, to get him to expel. I guess when you do this to kitties to get them to survive, they grow up to be Satan. Although he is so mean, we all love him so much! I box Frank ("box" meaning, I try to pet him and he slashes my hands with his claws) and we all sing to him. I love looking back into our woods, and seeing Frankles McAnkles, running around, terrorizing the fauna.
Franks is Josh's buddy. Josh is the only human being that Frank does not try to destroy. Every night, Josh screams out the back door, "C'MON FRANK!" Then you see Frankles, run up to him, to go in for cuddle time.
On Saturday night, we had our first official compound grill out, drinking fest. Good times were had, lots of beer was consumed. Around 11 pm, we noticed Frank was missing. He ended up not coming home that night.
Buffy found him Sunday morning, on top of the neighboring apartment buildings' parking deck. We don't know what happened to him, but he had passed away sometime during the night. He was only two, but we think with all of the trauma that he had endured from the accident, ( maybe he passed a clot or had an aneurism, there were no signs of struggle, or outside injuries) had taken him
It was one of the saddest days I have had in awhile. Frank was buried on the compound grounds, Goldschmidt side, in between the Hemlocks, where he loved to sunbathe. Though Frank was a spawn of Satan, we all love him very much, and we will miss him terribly.
Your neighbors
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