Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Time Has Come. Re-Name this Blog.

There has been some talk about the name of this blog and what it means... You know, because blogs and their names need to MEAN something. The name of this blog came from a stupid quiz thing I took in school where I had to name a mood and an inanimate object. I felt confused; I thought of how I thought the guy in front of me was such a dilrod; Confused Dildo.

Recently, I decided to not be so damn lazy all of the time, and I installed a site meter. I get a lot of hits form overseas, and something tells me that many of them aren't coming here because I am so darn cute and clever.

So, I think a re-name is in order. What are your suggestions? Fabulous prizes will be made available if I choose your suggestion!


  1. I'm partial to The Once Odd Fluids and The Unfolded Disco, but Coddled Fusion is pretty sweet, too.

  2. Creeping Maturity

  3. welcome to the muffin tray!!!

  4. "Balls in a Wheelbarrow"-every time I read your profile, I crack up.

  5. The Awesome Chronicles

  6. The humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe.
    The period of this revival, roughly the 14th through the 16th century, marking the transition from medieval to modern times.

  7. Um, thanks? Ibrahim. For what, I'm not sure, but I guess we all could use a little psycho babble here and there.
